Hi Marc, I am really stumped because your contact form simply is not working 🙁
These are the steps I have taken to isolate this issue while doing all steps twice; once on Mac OS with the Safari browser and once on Windows 10 with the Microsoft Edge browser.
Test A1
- Downloaded the automad-master.zip file from your website and extracted locally
- Uploaded the complete automad-master folder to a subfolder on my domain
- Created a new user and logged in to the dashboard
- Only changed the target mail address (to my own) on the existing contact form
- Left everything else at default!
--> Unfortunately I do not receive any messages (not even in the spam folder).
The Apache log lists this:
Typ Code Message
Access 200 GET /subfolder/automad-master/contact HTTP/1.0
Access 200 POST /subfolder/automad-master/contact HTTP/1.0
Test B1
- Uploaded this simple php file to a subfolder of my domain (as explained in an earlier post) and of course used my real e-mail addresses for the variables $from and $to.
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
error_reporting( E_ALL );
$from = "sender@domain.com";
$to = "recipient@domain.com";
$subject = "Checking PHP mail";
$message = "PHP mail seems to work just fine";
$headers = "From:" . $from;
mail($to,$subject,$message, $headers);
echo "The email message was processed sucessfully.";
- Called the file once and imediately received the message in my inbox 🙂
Test A2, A3, B2 and B3
I retested the above twice again while changing the PHP version on my hosting server from the original PHP v7.4.8 to v7.3.2 and lastly to v7.2.32. The results however were always the same 🙁
Test C
By chance I found the following while mistyping my mail address:
- Your form does NOT validate the inputs!
- It doesn't matter what you enter, you always get "Successfully sent email"...
- i.e. typing "hello" in the mail address field will display "Successfully sent email"...
--> This behaviour exists in my original Automad installation as well as in the temporary default Automad installation (I outlined above under Test A1)
To sum up
I must assume that there is something wrong with your contact form implementation.
I fully understand that you basically cannot give individual support and thus at the moment I am just disappointed in myself that I so much wanted Automad to be the cool cms to use.
(Against my better judgement and many years of experience I should not have tried to use Automad for a production website.)