New install of AutoMad into a test subfolder called "new".
Dashboard work ok.
Website itself only shows 404 error.
Debug is on if someone can look.

Automad Version:

Operating System:
Linux / 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+

Server Software:

8.1.9 / cgi-fcgi

  • mad replied to this.

    marcb Hi, it looks like your server has an issue with populating the ORIG_PATH_INFO env variable correctly. Therefore it can not resolve the requested page. How did you install? Is the .htaccess file missing?

    I did the install using simple FTP transfer.
    The site is in a sub-folder.
    The htaccess file did get installed ok.

    Any ideas?


    • mad replied to this.

      marcb Ok, good! I guess that your server has rewriting disabled. Can you check if mod_rewrite is enabled?

      In the main parent website's htaccess file I see:
      RewriteEngine on

      • mad replied to this.

        marcb Yes, that’s the .htaccess. That only means that you will make use of the rewrite engine. Note that there is an ifModule conditional around that block. The rewriting module has to be loaded in the Apache config in order to make it work.

        I gave up on the folder method and created a new sub-domain and loaded Automad there.
        All appears to be working using the sub-domain.

        ] ()
        Now I have to learn how to use it !

        Will I encounter any problems when I am done my development and need to move the website to the main top-level domain instead of the sub-domain ?

        THANKS !

        • mad replied to this.

          marcb Hey, great! Moving to another domain shouldn’t be a problem at all.

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