hmfit no.
The first setup works, but after moving to another hosting i can't login anymore on the 'new' hosting.
My workflow:
1. made a subdomain
2. Access the server via SSH and navigate to the similar subdirectory
4. Typing: composer create-project automad/automad .
5. Login with the temporaly created user
6. Making an new user and remove the temporaly user
7. Developing the website
8. If the website is done, moving (donwload/upload via FileZilla) to clients hosting company.
The point is: not every client has SSH-access to his hosting.
In this case, i can download Automad, unzip and upload to clients server, but, how create a user without SSH access?
First idea: Okay, i can try install and prepare on my local machine server, and upload Automad to clients hsoting, after that upload the dirs:
- /packages
- /pages
PS: It would be handy if it possible create a user with the UI or via an url (ex.