Yeah, you seem to live in a different reality from mine.
I did my best and when reading my initial post again I find it rather clear, and would have been happy to clarify things further. I would need your help there though, since I do not know what exactly you need to fix the problem.
I try once more for the broken update function.
If you prefer to no longer deal with me, please let me know and I'll try to find another CMS.
My operating system is Windows 8.1 x64 with all latest updates.
I have Wampserver 3.1.4 64bit installed from
The path is C:\Web\wamp64
Automad 1.1 was installed in C:\Web\wamp64\www\2019 and was working fine.
When I read that there is an update, I started the Wampserver, opened the admin interface of Automad and clicked on the Update button. The GUI then told me that the update was running and then that it was successful, but didn't show the version number.
I then got an Error 403 - access forbidden when I tried to open the local webpages with the browser (localhost/2019) and an error 500 - internal server error when I tried to refresh the admin GUI.
I was of course unable to enable debugging then since the whole installation was broken.
Then I looked at the file system.
Instead of updating the files in C:\Web\wamp64\www\2019, the updater created a folder C:\Web\wamp64\www19
and put the updated files there. It must have changed something in the original folder though, since that installation was then broken. I don't know what though.
So the update function of Automad wrote to a folder outside the www folder of the local webserver, which in itself I find disturbing. Since it created a folder "www19" it looks to me, that it somehow created a wrong path from the parent folder "www" and part of the installation folder "2019".
I will now try to update manually by placing the "automad" and "lib" folders and the index.php in my original installation and see if that fixes it.
But yes, Automad, by using the update function did kill my installation and wrote to a folder it has no business writing to. If that is harsh, you can maybe understand why I am not too happy about it myself.
AND PHP HAS FULL WRITE ACCESS. The installation was running and I already deployed a working website to my life server online as you know. I was simply asking if I need to set any other specific permissions... My previous CMS - also text file based - needed that.