I'm not sure if the title describes my problem. But I would like the user to have the option to add or remove one or more fields as is possible in the Gallery Block. I'm not sure if there already is a way to do this or if this doesn't really fit in with Automad. I'm thinking of developing it myself. If I have to do that in the end, could you give me some pointers of code I could reuse or where I should add it in. I hope you understand what I mean and would be very happy for some help. 😃
To demonstrate what I wish to do, here a few examples:
Include project.php:
<article class="projekt">
<h2>@{ title }</h2>
<h3>@{ subtitle }</h3>
<p>@{ text }</p>
<img src="" alt="">
Implementation in template:
<section id="projekte">
<@ multi project.php @>
I used a sort of prefix called "multi" which would add a button and define if the snippet is repeatable or not.
PS: I used an include... maybe a snippet would be better for this idea.