It seems whatever theme i apply, the front-end looks the same.
Brand new installation.
How to fix?

  • mad replied to this.

    johnywhy Hi, when applying a template to a page you can choose whether also to apply a theme or not. In case you want the theme to be more flexible and controlled by the global settings, you have to choose the templates on top of the dropdown list starting with a wildcard * in the page settings.

    you mean, after i create and publish a page, i cannot change it's theme?

    • mad replied to this.

      johnywhy No, of course you can change the theme and template any time.

      You can apply a template without a theme. In that case a page uses a template with that given name of the main theme. And that main theme can be changed globally. Pages that have both defined, a theme and a template are unaffected by changes to the main theme.

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