Hi Everyone!
I was wondering where i could change the setup for Pagelist Image Teaser Images beeing cached. Course I would like to use an animated Gif as the Teaser Image.
Hi Everyone!
I was wondering where i could change the setup for Pagelist Image Teaser Images beeing cached. Course I would like to use an animated Gif as the Teaser Image.
mad Thanks for the Info! I tried to not define a teaser image and use a gif as the first image in the content area. That worked! But what if don't want to use that Gif in the content area? I my head that would just be an easy if / else to setup a new variable 'cache teaser image'. Am I wrong?
thanks mad i managed to do so!
i changed the code for "packages/standard/templates/snippets/set_imageteaser_variable.php" as followed:
`<?php defined('AUTOMAD') or die('Direct access not permitted!'); ?>
<# Reset variable to false in case there is no match. #>
<@ set { :imageTeaser: false } @>
<# Try to get image from variable. #>
<@ with @{ imageTeaser | def ('*.jpg, *.png, *.gif') }~@>
<@ set { :imageTeaser: @{ :file } } @>
<@~ else ~@>
<# Else try to get first image from content. #>
<@ set { :imageTeaser:
@{ +main |
def (@{ textTeaser | markdown }) |
def (@{ text | markdown }) |
} @>
<@~ end @>`
And now i realised GIFs are bigger than MP4 Videos.
Optimizing Animated GIFs by Converting to HTML5 Video
Is there any plan to implement videos in the content blocks / teaser images any time soon? But maybe thats another discussion now..
ps: my code isnt displayed as code. What am I doing wrong?