I am trying to show the amount of all images I've uploaded to AUTOMAD on my start page. Using :filelistCount I only get displayed the total number of images per project.
This is my code to show all of the uploaded images on the start page:
<@ newPagelist { context: "/" , type: "children" } @>
<@ foreach in pagelist @>
<@ filelist { glob: @{ files | def('*.jpg, *.png') }} @>
<@ foreach in filelist { crop: false } @>
<@ set { :id: "img-@{ :basename | sanitize }" } @>
<div class="mix @{ tags } @{ :caption | sanitize (removeDots) }">
<a class="pp" href="@{ url }#@{ :id }">
<img id="@{ :id }" src="@{ :fileResized }" alt="@{ :basename }"></a>
<@ end @>
<@ end @>
The total number should be display somewhere else on the page, not inside this Pagelist.
Thanks for any help!