so I'm slowing moving my way through the CSS editing of the ADAM theme
and I've run into two things
that I need guidance on
1- MOST SERIOUS problem --- in MOBILE UI only---
again I'm using the adam theme
ONLY using the left NAV page style for all pages
and i've run in to a UI problem that is out of my reach to fix
the problem:
when in MOBILE the left NAV moves to the hamburger - three line icon - all good (yay)
but if I have a page that is only a "section header" or call it the "top of the accordion"
and my users click on it
then the mobile version of the NAV goes away - leaving an empty page
which is super confusing (users are slow, but we love them)
I would like the MOBILE NAV UI to persist if the page is empty (no blocks)
and the UI/NAV disappear only if the page has content
so that the user can then click on a sub-page
like "artworks" and then with a list of works under it
ARTWORKS <<-- this is a empty page
piece#1 <<-- content here
this works fine on desktop because the the NAV list is persistent
but on MOBILE it is hard to understand what to do -the first click only gets you to an empty page
and the user has to return to the 'Hamburger'
I see that the system could function like this - added variables - kool
but the PHP-ness of it is beyond me
(WHY would I do this?
(trying to emulate the indexhibit super simple style of page
(why? - because I have a large number of clients that are stuck on indexhibit
(and while the clients want that look/style/feel
(the system is old and does not work on MOBILE at all
(and if I can simplify the theme down to the use case
(well then there is a fresh set of users out there :-)
{{ why dont you have a donate button on your page? ;-) I'm happy to donate for the help }}
so far the only solution is to not have subsections
which kinda defeats the purpose of even having them
thanks for the CSS override trick in the shared files placed in to the header theme variable
but the override css in the really -only- overrides or adds to the adam.min.css
but what I'm trying to do is eliminate "features"
(the resizing of the font sizes for viewports)
( I only want a layout change for phone size and all the others to remain the same )
so I have to edit the adam.min.css and then make copies
not the end of the world but it would be easier to not have two copies of everything
just a thought
thanks again