after search for a CMS I have been happy to find AUTOMAD
I have the beginnings of a web site up and running
and will be using your system for the foreseeable future
So questions
your documentation is very good
and I am slowly trying to work my way thru it
But one of the first and easiest things to do to learn a system
often is to take an already existing theme
And begin to modify it
how do I directly modify (or override) an existent theme?
I would like to :
change the size of the Brand at the top of the page
change the typography (the globally used font and size)
change the method of indicating a link anchor (something other than the underline)
remove the search button (don't need and takes up too much space on mobile)
things that would normally be just a tweak of a CSS file
but in this case on this platform I'm not so sure
there seem to be a number of interdependencies between the files
I am looking for - best practices - for the modification
is there an easy way to duplicate a theme? (or fork a theme? rename a theme?)
is there a preferred method for overriding a theme? or just a page of a theme? (an additional css file?)
can I just just modify the LESS files? (and if so how do I make the system aware of the changes?)
it would be great if any changes would not interfere with an update to a theme
is that possible?
I currently am using the "dahmen/automad-adam" theme
using nothing but left-sidebar pages (for that classic indexibit feel)
thanks in advance for your help