Everyone Thanks! I feel exactly the same.
And it is not that I was just annoyed by the trolls, they are everywhere. In fact the spam issue was getting a serious problem recently. There were hundreds of new threads in a couple of days advertising some legally questionable data for sale. The spam prevention was catching most of it but it still had to be dealt with. Also due to the simple fact that legit posts are difficult to track when the list of threads is becoming cluttered so much that it is basically impossible to see new posts. The captcha and spam bot prevention in place was simply not strong enough to block those "people".
Anyways, this forum will not shutdown anytime soon. It will be readable for everyone. Also registered users will be able to open new threads or comment on existing ones. But for now, new users will not be able to sign up.
I will continue to be around here as well. And in case there will be better solutions to handle these problems, this forum can always be re-opened for new users.
In the meantime I would really appreciate if people would help to continue the growth of this community on GitHub.
So, let's do this!