Thanks for clarification. Can you please add a bit more details about what automad does with versioning/caching of css/js/images? Looks like it does something with all statics which were added thru dashboard.
What I mean is that almost all static resources Automad renders for example as *.css?m=1667865242 and sets ETag for it and does not provide Cache TTL via Header Cache-Control which is wrong I think.
- Why Automad versioning/quering ctandard.css and standard.js if they never change and are always same?
- The same is for uploaded content. Why versioning/quering uploaded images added to user's post/page if they will stay there forever in most cases?
Also I can't change this behavior with htaccess for some reason. But for good practice we must use for static with ETag Header Cache-Control and stale-while-revalidate. Or even better use Header Cache-Control: max-age=31536000, immutable for all static content. Can we achive this somehow?
Here is some good reading about this case -