Hey yall, I am using the Terminal theme, and its just about perfect for what i want, minus one thing.
I am using this for a minimal daily blog, and i would like the sidebar post list to show just months instead of the whole list of individual posts. and the 'month page' as a subset to just show that months blog entries. All while still showing the full list on the main page as it currently does.
the issue im running into is, when organizing this way, by adding a page that says 'January' for example, under the home page, and then adding the individual blog posts as children to the 'january' page. the January page still shows in the main blog page as an individual entry along with the actual 'blog posts'. everything else functions how i would expect and want.
is there any way i can 'hide from pagelist' but keep in the navigation? i just dont want the blog list to show an empty post with a month name just so i can use it for organization. i still want to be able to go to like .com/january/blog-post-1
for example.