Cool framework. I'm really enjoying working with it.
One thing that I seem to be missing is the ideal workflow for images using the dashboard. If I upload a file to an individual post, I can then reference that file within the post body using markdown, which makes sense. However, I'm a little confused as to how to use the same image as the imageTeaser. When I try to reference the filename in the imageTeaser field, nothing comes up. Looking at the path, the template is looking in the current blog post's folder, which is not where the image is. I'm actually not sure where the image is, outside of the cache.
When I look at the example site/themes, I see that the folders for individual posts do contain images that can be referenced as teasers. Obviously, I could do the same by just droping the image in there using the filesystem, but I'd like for other users to be able to upload an image and use that image as a teaser for a specific post.
Any thoughts? Am I misunderstanding the workflow?