Thanks very much, Mad!
So I should create a file named nginx.conf, paste your boilerplate settings in it, and adjust the root path? The full path is …
/Users/waldo/Local Sites/automad-master/automad
That's the path I need? Should nginx.conf go in the project root, or in the automad directory?
This does come up as part of the ddev installation process:
The docroot is the directory from which your site is served.
This is a relative path from your project root at /Users/waldo/Local Sites/automad-master
You may leave this value blank if your site files are in the project root
I've been leaving that set to the default. Maybe therein lies my problem? I'll explore that.
The project folder structure is like this:
- automad-master
- - .ddev
- - automad
- - cache
… and so on. Anyway, I think I need to hack around with this. Thanks again for your feedback, Mad. Take it easy!