hudson Hi, using umlauts in URLs is considered bad practice for multiple reasons. And additionally in the context of a flat-file CMS, umlauts can cause even more trouble.
The two most relevant reasons are:
- URLs in general should be considered to be used anywhere in the world — also manually typed. But only a little percentage of the keyboards on the planet have umlaut characters.
- The URLs are generated from directory names. The directory structure must be portable and compatible to all possible file systems on a wide range of operating systems running different kinds of web servers. It is known that special characters may cause issues in that context.
Both of the reasons are also relevant for other languages such as french, polish, greek and others that have special characters. Therefore only automatically transliterated and sanitized versions of page titles are used as slugs in order to provide a solid user experience that doesn't require a user to be knowledgeable about such issues.