Mattes Hi there, happy you like it! Conceptually the features you request are all related to the theme in use. In that sense it is for sure possible to achieve such a design with Automad. However, Automad is just a CMS and a template engine. It renders content using templates that are styled by a theme. In case you can't find a theme that you like out of the box, you will probably have to modify the one that is the closest to what you want in order implement such design features.
In general you can create any kind of theme for Automad. It really depends on how much work you want to invest and how comfortable you are with JS and CSS. You can start by taking a look at the packages
directory to get an idea where to put what and how themes are structured. There is also a lot of information in the docs about developing themes.
Also the theme-skeleton
package comes in handy in case you want to learn how to develop your own theme from scratch.