Hey mad,
another question from our voyage du Automad:
In other CMS' one of the first things I do is deleting all factory themes. When I did this in Automad, the whole system didn't work anymore. Therefore my question:
Is the stuff in "packages" also used for the Automad backend/admin pages or can I somehow delete all/most of it without breaking the system? What needs to absolutely be there?
If not, what is the thinking behind this? Normally in all CMS' I've ever used the backend/admin area/theme is clearly separated from the user side of things. I find that preferable, since I don't have to worry about destroying anything as long as I stay in the "public" folders. I have no plans of ever using any of the factory themes for our sites, so I'd rather get rid of them.
I'd also prefer not to see all the "Variables in other templates" from the factory themes (if that's where they come from).
I would also prefer if updates would not do anything to the "user" folders (and yes, I read the docs about creating our own folders/themes so nothing is overridden, but still I'd prefer to not have all this stuff around...).
Could that maybe be a preference? ("Don't install example themes").
Thanks a lot for some insights!