mad Great Thanks. Works nicely out of the box with [a,A] too!
Maybe you can point me into another direction. I would like to iterate through a list of characters, sth like:
myList = [[a,A],[b,B],...,[z,Z]]
<@~ foreach in myList @>
selector = myList[@{ :i }]
-> and proceed with my filters
<@~ end @>
Or is it possible to create an element called sth like character_list.php and if I call it in my main site.php I can somehow pass it a variable:
<@ elements/character_list.php def([a,A])@>
Thanks man! Btw I love Automad, super clean and fast and useful. Trying to build my new site with it right now. And also found another enthusiast using it for some projects. Will definitely check the sponsoring 🙌