I'm a webdesigner and buidling several websites in WordPress, but for a simple to midsize website WP feels bloated and gives me not enough freedom doing my own thing about customize the theme/templates. I know how it works but it gives me more work for customize it and has a lot of unnecessary code, the same issues with the WP plugins!
For this issue searching last weeks for databaes-less CMS.
Trying GRAV, PicoCMS, GetSimpleCMS, FlexType,...
The best i founded until yesterday was PicoCMS. It works very fast and is very simple to use, but the disatvantage: there is no dashboard, so unuseless for clients without 'techinical web' knowledge.
What are my requirements for a good CMS:
- Custom Posttypes
- Custom fields
- Active community
- Future proof with regular updates
- very flexibility for most use cases (blogs, portfolios, forums, events, bookingsystems, private pages, ecommerce, ...)
- Fast integrate custom templates
- Plugins (Extensions in Automad)
- Good and clear documentation
- ...
I know it is almost impossible find a solution for all my requirements.
Yesterday, found and testing Automad, my first impression was 'AWESOME CMS!!!'
When dive deeper and read the docs/tutorials from Automad i see that it was released in 2014 and the updates coming very slow, but in 2018 it has a 'boost' about updates, so they come fast, thats a very good thing!
Okay, i'm very curious what coming next, what are the plans for the future about Automad.
At this moment it feels good: it has 'content types', 'custom fields' and mutch more, so this properties is a good start and gives this CMS a lot of possibilities, i like this ?
It's new for me, trying understand, and try some things, read the docs; some things are (at this moment) not clear for me to understand, but good examples can give some people like me a boost for understanding, so below some questions:
For better understanding pagelist, is it possible planned a tutorial for building a simple slideshow?
Are there plans adding user roles?
About Exentions: i have basic php knowledge, but not enough for develop great things; is it possible adding a list in the docs with all the Extentions? Similar like plugin lists like other CMS-systems do? This would be great for learning and understanding and it gives other the possibilities building faster extentions and uploading to Automad.
Last but not least, i will say to the dev-team: AWESOME CMS, with the last updates, and hope see a lot more.
Sorry about my poor english!