jofaraday Is there a way to have a page set to hidden by default? When I create a new page it shows up immediately, but I would prefer to keep it in 'draft' mode until I'm finished.
jofaraday I figured it out, but wanted to post the answer in case someone else was looking. 🙂 In automad/gui/content.php I added , 'hidden' => true $data = array(AM_KEY_TITLE => $title . ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $suffix)), 'hidden' => true);
mad jofaraday Hey great! But be aware that this will be overriden with updates. Maybe it could be added directly to the page adding dialog.
jofaraday mad I didn't think about that, good point. I did try to add it to the add page modal, but I couldn't get it to work. I might tinker around with it though. TY!