Hi there,
I recently started using automad and I am delighted. However, I stumbled over a problem...
I created a theme with two types of pages: "main pages" and "footer pages". I want to display a short summary of the footer pages in the footer of every page with a link to the full page. Image a "directions" page. In the footer I just want to have the address (textFooter variable) and on the detailed page something like "take route XX northbound and turn right at XX" and so on (textDetail variable).
In the footer snippet (which is included in every page) I have something like this:
<@ foreach in pagelist @>
<div class="col-md-4 mb-4 flex-column d-flex">
<h3>@{ title }</h3>
@{ textFooter | markdown }
<a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-block mt-auto" href="@{ url }">Show detailed descriptions</a>
<@ end @>
However, the dashboard shows me on every page the variable textFooter, although the template uses this variable only inside this pagelist loop. How can I hide the variable from the dashboard of the invoking page?
Best regards