mad khomutovspace Hi, I know there are some elements overridden. Unfortunately the issue is that the GUI is based on a framework which is styling some base elements like headlines and links. It would be quite some work to change the framework or develop a new one. The safest thing would be to be more specific with the theme classes. At least for now until there is a better solution.
khomutovspace mad Yeah, it just doesn't check for updates and shows default update error (sry, don't remember the text)
khomutovspace mad Sure, but how can there be SSL on a localhost. I use MAMP virtual server to develop site before uploading it to the natural one.
mad khomutovspace It has to do with some cURL operations. MAMP is known for having certificate issues with cURL due to a missing ca-cert bundle. It shouldn’t be a problem with XAMPP.
khomutovspace mad Is there an ability to update it manually via replacing some files from a newer version to the previous installed one?
mad khomutovspace Sure, you can in this case just replace the automad directory. However, other updates will also require you to replace the lib directory. And in case you are using the Standard themes, also their directory.