Hi @mad, My next task regarding structuring is the hierarchization of the pages / posts with the different "structuring tools"
...for Bulma I just realized:
- Prefix ( order in navigation )
- Page sort ( :path asc ...and others )
- tags
- template filter
- redirect page to another url
...are there other ways to structure it?
I am currently testing my tree structure... it seems to become clearer that a combination of tools will make sense... However, this increases the complexity, which I would like to keep within limits in favour of my own workability and later usability...
Which tools do you consider to be efficient with the best flexibility?
Which combinations of structural elements seem to make sense and are most often used in a tree structure?
I am currently working on a tree structure with about 5 categories, each of which will receive 5 topics, each of which will receive 3 series... in the series the posts will be updated...
/5 categories/5 topics/3 Series/ posts...
As "related" at the end of the pages / posts teaser references to further topics should appear.
Here, questions arise concerning which teasers should be visible and which not, but currently appear unintentionally nevertheless ...