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Use of Alpha or Bravo Templates in Theme Bulma


Hi mad,
what would be the easiest way to use a template from bravo or alpha in the theme bulma ?

So far it doesn't work properly for me if I simply select it via the dashboard...
i choose one of the appearing templates from bravo or alpha under page settings and template selection...
I can select the template, but then it is not displayed correctly on the page.... only the titles of all pages appear in the foreground on the page...

Would this be the "normal" way in principle or would further or other settings have to be made beforehand?

...this just spontaneously...
thanks in advance and best regards


....I just read the article by Peter - Mail form in Bulma theme... the approach sounds similar, doesn't it ? …
...maybe you can give me a very short description of the steps to be taken...

best regards


micro Hi, normally you can just use other templates the way you describe as long as they are installed properly. Note that the original themes have to be complete and in its initial location to make it work. And not all themes use the same set of variables. You can see in the page settings what variables are used by the currently selected template.


...Ok great, thank you for the first hints...
I take a closer look at it and check the installed themes again

Thanks & Greetings


micro You’re welcome. Have fun with it! 😃


Hi mad, I am already making some progress with my implementation,
probably I will have more questions soon... this is my status right now...

unfortunately I still have problems with the correct display of the templates from alpha and bravo...
I have updated to 1.3.2, but this was not the reason for the incorrect display of the pages with alpha / bravo templates...

So far I detect nothing unusual or incorrect in the installations of the themes,
because I followed your suggestions ... the system installation including alpha / bravo and the additional bulma theme with report of a successful installation...

I have a local installation and created a my-site in htdocs ....
there you can find in ... C:\XAMPP\htdocs\my-site\packages\dahmen\automad-bulma ... the bulma theme
and in... C:\XAMPP\htdocs\my-site\packages\standard ...the alpha / bravo themes

I think this seems to be right, but I am not a programmer / coder, how & where could I detect errors?

In dashboard mode only one theme is activated at a time as main theme...
Do you have to change the main themes temporarily to activate some additional templates?
( just an amateurish idea )

Additionally I will take a look at the possible differences of the variables of the templates...

After I have created the structure of the site with pages / posts and different templates
( after successful implementation of the templates which still has to follow ) I would like to change the layouts of the pages / posts ( at first only slightly )...and test...

Can I change the font size / color in the text fields in dashboard mode ( in-page edit mode or data & settings ) similar to bold / italic ? ... and what are the corresponding commands / codes...?

...I also use the library of bulma variables for further commands ?

so these are my next steps...please excuse the detailed approach
Thanks & Greetings


micro Hi, good to see that you made progress. This are my two cents:

  • Can you elaborate on the displaying issue? What exactly is not displayed correctly?
  • It is correct that you can only select one main theme. If you want to select a template from another theme you can simply do so by selecting the theme along with the template in the dropdown of the page settings.
  • To modify the look of the Bulma theme by using variables, you will have to compile the CSS files yourself. Also note that the standard themes are not based on Bulma.

Hope that helps a bit ...


Hi mad ...Ah Ok, thank you for the information ...
I'll look at that again...

The page with Alpha / Bravo template trials looks like this
( Each attempt to create a different template also looks the same...)

  • the template title is visible and selectable in the navbar but not on the first page as teaser post as otherwise shown...when selected in the navbar the phenomenon described below appears...

  • The page is apparently divided into 2 overlapping layers, the apparently correctly displayed template is visible to about 5% and you can guess a perfect scrolling...

  • and an overlying "layer" with all pages / posts created so far as links in 9 rows distributed in bold across the entire screen...On the top left above the name of the site ....

  • All links work and lead to the right pages / posts

    ...unfortunately I can not place a picture right now, but I think that describes it quite well ...

I'll keep testing, maybe this will help you and hope you recognize the phenomenon so far.
I'm still looking at the settings in the page-settings, but haven't found anything unusual yet...

Thanks & Greetings


micro Hi, an image would be quite helpful. Which browser do you use?


mad ...I did some more tests and went back one step...
I copied and saved the whole htdocs folder in advance.
Then I deleted all pages in the page settings and built a new small structure and tested it with different templates...
Now every other template from alpha / bravo works fine !

That's great ...for now ... !
I will now reintegrate my individual folders section by section and see if and when the problem occurs again...
Then I can possibly send a picture...if it is useful.

Can I simply insert the folders from "pages" step by step, or are further actions necessary?
Or do I have to reintegrate the whole htdocs folder and leave only one folder in pages to start again?

thanks & greeting


Hi mad ... so I continued testing and probably discovered the supposed " error " in the display...

With the basic settings for some alpha / bravo templates a new sub navbar is shown when the page is opened....
this requires the settings in the new template under "current template" as well as in the other templates under "other templates"...

Without having made these settings, all pages created so far also appeared in the new sub navbar when the page with the new template was opened for the first time, so that this list was no longer recognizable as navbar and occupied the entire screen... So this is the "error" described above...

It is obvious that mixing templates from different themes requires good planning and a clear structure to be able to get an aesthetic and "usability-friendly" design and control surface later on...
The possibilities of the settings are complex and it is important to work out clear definitions for the individual templates and combination possibilities and limits e.g. by using tags....

So I will first test the possibilities of the various templates with a small structure to get a more precise idea...
I guess some questions will come up again soon...

Maybe you'll give me some feedback on how to move the folders around within the htdocs structure ...
or where I can find some descriptions...

many thanks for the moment & best regards


micro Hi, you can safely move the folders around. Just make sure that you clear the cache afterwards. Or maybe even disable it during the testing.

In general mixing themes is not a problem and common practice. I’m not sure what exactly happened with your site.


hi mad, as I had described in detail above, there was no error or problem afterwards.
The display of the many single titles as navbar was not realized by me as such...

Yes, of course the approaches and the efficient implementation possibilities are present and are used by the professionals every day. As a non-programmer / coder I need just a few attempts with new systems to recognize or to ask / to question common procedures themselves.... everything is fine!


micro Perfect! 😃